What is LKN Strong?
LKN Strong is a free to use platform that helps connect people that have tasks or other needs with people that are willing and able to fulfill those needs. The platform is meant to promote service and the responsibility of our community to take care of those in need.
Who are the volunteers?
The volunteers are people located in the LKN community that have signed up to serve. Volunteers are approved through local organizations but only on the information that they provide. At this time, LKN Strong is not performing background checks or other means to verify volunteers criminal history. The LKN Platform is only the connector and not responsible for verifying either the users creating tasks or the volunteers fulfilling them.
Who are the Task Recipients?
The recipients are members of the LKN community that are posting needs that they are unable or unwilling to do themselves. At this time, LKN Strong is not performing background checks or other means to verify recipients criminal history. The LKN Platform is only the connector and not responsible for verifying either the users creating tasks or the volunteers fulfilling them.
What are the Tasks?
The tasks requested by the recipients are simple tasks that can be performed by a volunteer at a single time or ongoing basis. These tasks are mean to be items that the recipients are not able to perform themselves for whatever reason. They are requests that, it is our hope, are happily able to be filled by members of the community in order to promote unity and charity in our area.
Who is LKN Strong?
LKN Strong was created by sbExperiential, LLC located in Cornelius, NC. It was founded on the principles of service and connecting those who are ready and able to help and those who are in need of it. It was a project of passion and not for financial gain. To contact us for any reason, feel free to email us at info@lknstrong.org.